For purposes of today’s topic in
the Church – today being the Last Sunday after the Epiphany, or the Feast of
the Transfiguration – I’ll highlight the core requirement from Hogwarts,
Transfiguration in koiné Greek
means literally, metamorphoomai, from
which we get, metamorphosis. It is a physical change. It is literally a change
in the form or appearance of an object. In the gospel reading from Matthew this
morning, the disciples witness Jesus undergoing this metamorphoomai, this
transfiguration. Although this was indeed an indescribable event that the
disciples were witnessing, this theophany, this experience of the divine flatly
in front of their faces, had to be dealt with. It was an experience that they
would never forget.
What then are we to do when we
experience moments in the presence of the divine in our lives? Like Peter, we
may commend in ourselves that “it is good for us to be here” and set up camp
and live in holy bliss forever. But we know that’s impossible. I think Peter
knew it was impossible too, which is why I giggle a little bit to myself
because of Peter’s true humanity, as one whose mouth speaks before his brain
completes the thought: “if you wish, I will make three dwellings here.”
In my mid-twenties, I visited the Grand Canyon for the first time. If you have ever seen the
magnificent view the Grand Canyon offers, you
will surely never forget it. It is indescribable beauty, meaning, that one
cannot express in words or in photograph as far as I am concerned, the awe of
such a sight. It is larger than large, vaster than vast, and among the most
beautiful views on earth. I wanted to experience this place first hand. I
wanted to “get into it”. So I signed up for one of those canyon mule rides.
Now one must understand how steep
the cliffs and slopes are on this canyon hike. As we descended into the canyon,
and even back up on our return journey, I noticed that I was often leaning in
the opposite direction of the cliff. There are no railings. There are no safety
nets below. It’s a fun ride, but one that certainly keeps you very much wide
awake – and in prayer!
Of course, the disciples and Jesus
were not at the Grand Canyon , not at all. But
they were up a mountain – Matthew is not specific as to the location. We’re not
sure how high, but they were up high enough, “as they were coming down the
mountain” during their conversation with Jesus, when he instructs them to “Tell
no one about the vision until after the Son of Man has been raised from the
dead.” The fear-ridden part had taken
place, that is, the awe-inspiring vision the disciples witnessed of Jesus’ face
shining like the sun and his clothes becoming dazzling white.
The thing we must realize is that
the Transfiguration has little to nothing to do with us, and everything to do
with Jesus, who he is, and the power of God showered upon him. We are invited
today to see a glimpse of Christ’s majesty and glory. We are then left with
choices about how we will deal with this glimpse as we descend the holy vision
atop the mountain and enter the valley and the holy season of Lent.
The story of the Transfiguration
does a few things for us: It recalls for us the baptism of Jesus as we hear the
voice of God once again say the same words, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with
him I am well pleased;” except this time with an added command, “listen to
him!” Jesus will instruct his friends of the cost of discipleship, and we are
to listen.
The Transfiguration recalls and
confirms Peter’s confession. Although he was still thinking in human
categories, he had a firmer understanding now of Jesus’ identity.
The Transfiguration story connects
the confession of Jesus as Son of God and his identification as the Son of Man
who suffers, is killed, and is vindicated by God and will appear again as
And the Transfiguration story
foretells the events of the resurrection and second coming of Jesus, giving the
reader and hearer through the eyes of the disciples a glimpse of the glory of
Jesus, before he descends the mountain and makes his way to Jerusalem, to the
So what now are we to do? Maybe we
should recall from the very gospel passage itself what we are not to do: Jesus came and touched [his
disciples], saying, “Get up and do not be afraid.” After seeing the dazzling
white clothes, the appearance of Moses and Elijah, the thunderous voice from
heaven, is it no wonder that the disciples fainted to the ground in fear?
Biblical commentator David Lose
points out, “Think about it. These words -- “do not be afraid” -- are the
hallmark of the Gospel, as throughout Old and New Testaments they signal the
coming rescue of God and consequent courage that promise creates. They are the
words with which the angel Gabriel greets Mary in the quiet of her home and
with which the heavenly host addresses the shepherds as they keep watch by
night. And, perhaps more importantly in relation to this passage, they are the
words the angel of the Lord uses at the end of this story when he encourages
the women who came seeking Jesus in the tomb.”
These wonderfully powerful words
should encourage us as we come to witness the grace that God offers as he then
sends us out into the world, going forth in the name of Christ. Lose goes on to
say that Jesus doesn’t just say, “get up,” he’s saying, “be raised,” as this is
the same word used, again by the angel, to describe Jesus’ resurrection. Listen
to the latter part of the story again: the voice from heaven affirms Jesus’
identity as the beloved Son and commands Peter and company to listen to him --
that is, hear his words, follow his commands, be obedient to his summons. In
response, they fall to the ground in terror. And then Jesus reaches out and
commands them, literally, to be raised and no longer fear.”
As we all understand, this story is
far from a holy magic trick – and us Muggles can see this and at the same time
be comforted and empowered by this story. We have been given a glimpse once
again of the glory of God made manifest in Jesus Christ. It is awe-inspiring.
And it can seem intimidating as well. But like being seated on a very
sure-footed mule as we descend the mountain, we can without fear proclaim Jesus
as the Savior of the world and Son of the living God, the Beloved. It is to this
reality that he calls us. It is to true discipleship that he calls us. “Get up
and do not be afraid.”