Servant leadership was a topic that we were familiarized
with in seminary. I use the word “familiarize” rather than “learn,” because
servant leadership is something that I’m not sure can be learned. I hadn’t
heard the term, to my recollection, until I got to seminary many years ago. One
can familiarize oneself with the term; learn the definition of servant
leadership in a broad context, but to learn how to be a servant leader, I’m not
sure is possible at least in a genuine and sincere way.
Bishop emeritus, president of the Servant Leader Institute
and author Bennett Sims reflects on the subject of servant leadership as a
bishop in the church. He writes, “In actual practice the bishop’s role varies
from diocese to diocese, depending on local tradition and the bishop’s personal
style, but on the whole he or she must rely on the power of persuasion and
example, not on control.”[i]
Bennett Sims does not give a straight definition of servant
leadership; you’d have to read an entire chapter to formulate his description
of such a person in that role, but in these few words describing his experience
as a leader who serves, we find a good sample: “she must rely on the power of
persuasion and example, not on control.” A leader who merely makes demands and
gives instruction without entering into the work he or she leads is not a
servant. But one who leads by example, one who gives direction and follows her
own instruction by example and not force, is a servant. And such a servant is a
servant-leader. Nell was such a leader.
Nell did not give an instruction that she herself would not
follow. As a matter of fact, as an altar guild member in this place since 1960
she not only followed her own instructions, she had already done the task
countless times. Nell was a servant leader. We knew what was expected of us and
we knew when we fell short of that expectation. It only took a look or maybe
just a few words, and you knew where Nell stood on a liturgical practice or an
altar guild responsibility or technique. And she never would have you do
something in a way that she would not have done herself. A leader, according to
Bennett Sims, “must rely on the power of persuasion and example.” Nell led by
example. And what an example she set. She not only served on the altar guild
for 57 years here, but shaped it and formed it in many ways. Not out of
control, but from example.

The altar guild in the Episcopal Church is a ministry of the
most sacred of things. The vessels, the linens, the cloths, and hangings all
work in concert together to honor and give reverence to a man who Christians
regard as God with us and among us: Jesus Christ. As the author of John’s
Gospel tells us about Jesus, “It is God’s only Son, who is close to the
Father’s heart….” “The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came
through Jesus Christ.”
As Jesus gave his very life for his friends and indeed for
the world, the Church has instituted the Sacraments of Christ’s Body and Blood
as a result of that sacrifice; instructed by our Lord himself that we remember
him in this way. The blessed wine, the blessed bread, the vessels, and
containers and linens that hold these precious elements, are cared for by the
members of the altar guild. The seamless garment worn by the priest – the
chasuble – represents the seamless garment worn by Jesus at his Crucifixion. The
altar’s fine linen represents the shroud that enwrapped Jesus’ body at his
burial. The veil we see at the altar covering the sacred vessels represents the
veil that covered Jesus head at his burial. All these are tended to, cared for,
and adorn the sanctuary by the altar guild as visuals of the majesty and
holiness of God through the person of Jesus Christ. And to the altar guild,
this is serious business. As it should be. And Nell made no question about

One of our Bishops, Jeff Fisher, who oversees pastoral
ministries in our diocese, including the altar guild, writes to members, “You
are the preparers and keepers and transmitters of some of the coolest stuff we
have in The Episcopal Church.” Bishop Fisher goes on to say, “Tell people that
altar guild work is not a job. Tell folks that altar guild work is a ministry,
a ministry where you are gifted with a rare window into the majesty and
serenity of God. Tell people how you encounter Jesus while touching and
preparing holy things. You are evangelists!”
The last thing Nell Downum would have thought of herself as
is an evangelist. But our own bishop would beg to differ. Her witness and
example of teaching and forming those who perform liturgical ministries (which
includes me!); and her service – faithful service at the thrift shop where she
knew the importance of that ministry to our community, made her one great evangelist.
Maybe not always in word, but certainly in deed, she was an evangelist – one
who shared the Good News of God in Christ.
If we ever wonder what it means to be a Christian, I’d say
we can look to Nell Downum and get a really good idea of what a Christian is.
She loved her family. She loved her church. She loved her church family. And she
loved serving God in his Church. She did what Christians are supposed to do:
she loved and she served. It’s what Jesus calls us all to do. She gave of
herself like the good and faithful servant Jesus called her to be. She was a
steward of God’s blessings on her life, as she was a blessing to all who knew
and loved her. As she herself experienced many seasons in life, her life
remained a season of faithfulness and dedication to her Lord; literally until
the day she went to her eternal home. In the midst of our grief and sorrow,
there is hope and joy, as she takes her place among the saints, shining
brighter than ever in Christ’s Resurrection light.
(From the National Altar Guild – the Chalice prayer) Let us
to you I raise my whole being — a vessel emptied of self. Accept, O Lord, this
my emptiness, and so fill me with yourself — your Light, your Love, your Life —
that these your precious Gifts may radiate through me and overflow the chalice
of my heart into the hearts of all with whom I come into contact this day,
revealing to them the beauty of your joy and wholeness and the serenity of your
peace which nothing can destroy. Amen.
Nell Clark Downum | 1927- 2017